Ms. Kc's First Grade

Dear parents,

Our story this week has been "Tell Me a Story".  The story next week is "My Robot".  I will

be out on Wednesday for Core Training on the State Standards and also on Friday. (I

have to have my wisdom teeth cut out!) :(  Our subs will be Ms. Heather, and Ms. Brandi. 

I have been giving extra credit to students for writing their spelling words 5 times each at

home.  I ask that you encourage children to get in the habit of doing this. It makes a big

difference when they take the test.  It's also very important to read with your child each

night. I know many of you do this every night. Keep up the good work!  There is a great

web site by a woman named Ms.Miller that goes with our reading story.  I am listing the

sight and encourage you to view it at least once a week with your child.  The site is If you have any qustions or

concerns please e-mail me at